Team Philosophy


At West Campus Swim & Dive, we allow Sacramento's most academically driven students the opportunity to participate in a no-cut sport at the high school level. Through the sport of swimming, our goal is to cultivate an environment of united and intrinsically motivated athletes, while providing opportunities for a healthy lifestyle, personal growth, connection, and fulfillment. With the following core principles, we aim to build a strong foundation for our athletes as they progress to college and beyond.


Athlete-Centered: With great power...


On this team, no one will be forcing or holding your hand. Your coaches will guide you, support you, and challenge you toward your goals. But the choice, and the responsibility that comes with it, falls on your shoulders. The opportunities for growth, self-realization, fellowship, and a sense of true accomplishment are here and yours for the taking. But you must first ask yourself: "What do I seek and what am I going to do in order to get there?"


"You can motivate by fear, and you can motivate by reward. But both those methods are only temporary. The only lasting thing is self-motivation." - Homer Rice (NFL Coach)


The True Competition: The Infinite Game


While wins, medals, and championships are great and should not be discounted, the true competition is with yourself. Competition pushes us, teaches us, but it does not define us. Regardless of where you place, we will applaud improvement, adjust when necessary, and encourage you to continually better yourself every day. Our goal is to develop the individual to be at their best, then we will live with the results with heads held high. It is when you are at your best that you find success. And it is with this perspective that you will never be defeated.


"Success is peace of mind... in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming." - John Wooden (UCLA Men's Basketball Coach)


Consistency, then Intensity: Thoughts-> Words-> Actions-> Habits-> Character-> Destiny


There is a time and place for intensity, but greatness cannot be achieved without consistency. It is not one thing or moment that leads to incredible results, but all the little habits and patterns, accumulated and practiced over time, that will get you there. Training 1 day for 10 hours straight won't get you into shape; Training 10 days for 1 hour each will. Nutrition spread throughout the day is healthier than skipping meals and bingeing at the end. A consistent sleep schedule beats a sporadic one. No matter the setting; athletic, academic, or personal, the message remains the same: You get the process right, and are consistent with it, great things are sure to follow.


"Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every single day."

- Jim Rohn (American Author, Entrepreneur)


Unity: For you, Sister5 and 13rothers, were called to freedom...


Without one another we cannot be at our best. We need each other to make it happen. Training together will inspire everyone's best effort. Supporting teammates, in the good times and the bad, builds loyalty, trust, and cooperation. Socializing beyond the pool further strengthens the bonds formed in it. Only when we learn to work with and for one another can we reach our full potential. No matter how strong you are, allies make you stronger. And these bonds transcend mere performance in the water. They are vital to the sport's long-term fulfillment and have the potential to stay with you for a lifetime...


"One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth doing is what we do for others."

- Lewis Carrol (English Author, Poet)